Saturday, December 02, 2006


...I wanna reach out and grab ya

Although I've said for the past week that I really want a Wii (out this Friday in the UK), I'm now having second thoughts. See, Freya & I are saving to go to Japan in May. Well I'm saving as Freya already has the money she needs. I need to have about £1,500 saved before we book the flights & hotels. Current total: £300. I need to save £250 per month. Does a Wii fit into that total?

I guess I'll be getting some money for Christmas and my Birthday (17th Feb) so that will help. I think I can afford the Wii but for the next few months I'm going to have to stop buying magazines that I don't need, perhaps put a freeze on Lovefilm for a few months (I've had the same DVDs on rent for about three months) and don't go out at all (actually I'm quite good at this one).

And I'll just buy the Wii. Don't need the new Zelda as I still haven't finished Wind Waker yet. Or Champs League. Or around seven Xbox games. And the GameCube will go to be part exchanged even if I only get two quid for it.

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